If you are a prospecting employee and looking for your dream job, then it is important for you to know and understand well on various methods to reach out your potential employer. Once you complete your qualification, it is very important to reach at a platform where potential employer is able to evaluate you and select you. Normally, we see candidates adopt 2-3 methods and feel disheartened when no reply turns up.
Remember, it is very important to market yourself so as to get better avenues and brighter career. It is as important as completing your final examination and may significantly alter the direction of your career. In certain case, meritorious students gets a lower paid jobs and average students reach a better CTC compensation, just because they are been able to reach right place at right time. So if your feel that this should not happen to you and don’t leave any stone un-turned to reach the employer of your choice.
Let us have a look on various methods which may be adopted for reaching to such potential employers:
Explore your Connections:
The first and foremost way to reach anyone is to start from your friends and relatives. Don’t shy to ask your relatives or friends or even their friends. Even if they are not been able to help you directly, you might some information from them which may be relevant. Normally, opinions come as complimentary so its your choice to whether or not accept the same. If you find some one working with company you were looking for, then politely ask him/her to refer your resume to HR or any Managerial level person in concerned department. Be clear with your choice in terms of work profile, if the company is big enough. {Tip : Sounding good vacancies/job profiles are always very few and other profiles are many, it is better to choose as per your caliber}
Job Oriented Websites:
Now a days, there are many websites like naukri, jobsahead, shine, iimjobs where you may submit your resume. {Tip: Clearly specify keywords about the most suitable job profiles, as most employers search resumes by keywords}. Also keep checking these sites for latest job posting and keep sending your CVs by email for suitable opening. Another advantages of these websites is that they tell you about the latest trends in your field according to which you may update your skills and CV.
Company Websites:
Various large organisation also post their opening on their websites so it is very fruitful to keep checking their portals on regular intervals. You may also submit your resume as a fresher or Management Trainee which are generally open for all type of profiles. Do not try to fit yourself in all positions and restrict yourself to one or two vacancies only. Applying for each and every opening only gives an impression that you are “looking desperately without having adequate skill set”.
Social Media :
In recent times, Social Media has come up like a big revolution. Most of companies have their presence on the famous sites like facebook, linkedin, twitter, youtube etc. Mostly companies place their job opening on their pages on linkedin which can easily be tracked by just following their page. Another way of using linked is to connect with Managerial level employees of the company and write a brief and polite mail offering your candidature. {Tip: The mail should not be more than 3-4 lines and should be sent just once to one person}
Recruitment Agencies:
The companies which are hiring in masses or looking for people with very specific profile generally hire agencies or placement companies. Such companies are not very popular so the bets way to know about them is through social media sites or references. They also keep calling suitable candidates from the job sites databases.
Job Oriented course:
Few Institutes which are running job oriented programs also have tieups with various corporate for their specific openings. If you find that any particular course can give a direction or boost to your career then you must go for such courses. Such courses not only gives you an exposure to industry but also paves the way for your first job.
Employer at Campus drives:
If you are not selected at campus drive in your college, then it is never too late to approach these employers afterwards also. Sometimes, these employers also takes part in Job fairs, pooled campus drives or any other events. Approaching employers from that side may not be a bad idea. Another way to look at is that these are the employers who find people with your skill set to be suitable for them, so no harm in approaching them again and again or may be their peers.
While it is very important to use all possible ways to approach employers, but it is equally important to present yourself as qualified person. The dignity of a professional remains the key that employers look for. So create a profile that tells about your Key result Areas {Tip: Highlight what you can do and what you are open to say travelling, interaction with clients, digital marketing, etc} and specify your capabilities. Any added advantage, in terms of your skill set, is definitely a big positive to candidature.
While you may not get response from various of your tries, do not get disheartened as most of the people get their first employment form any of such methods only. So it is not about that whether your will get it or not, but is it about when you are going to get it.