Generally student believe that choosing a career or getting a job is more or less similar to giving a final examination. Just need to clear an exam and there you go for a great career of your choice, but unfortunately my friend, it doesn’t happen this way.  While people prepare for entrance test but which entrance test will lead to the career of your interest, still remains unanswered question. As such everyone start following the heard and look out for any and every popular institute which they get to know from surroundings.

Choosing career is among the most important steps in everyone’s life however generally decision gets taken in very hasty and crude way. There are a number of things you may do to determine your ideal career options and make it as per your choice. Let’s see, what are steps to ascertain the choice of career.

First step is to know yourself. Who knows you as well as you know yourself, so taking the time to actively reflect on your interests, values, capabilities and personality is very important. Asking few questions or observing yourself is not a bad idea. One simple trick is to sit in front of mirror or all alone in the garden and start revealing the facts of your life. Your own areas of importance, likes or dislikes, key result area, your idols. Thinking on these lines will help you explore your choices of career path.

Look over the lists of occupations, rather a long list to start with is better as it gives you more avenues and space to spread your wings. Then shortlist the ones which brings in an enthusiasm.  As, you want to come up with a much shorter list, write these occupations down on a separate list titled “Occupations to Explore.” Now when the thoughts gets ignited, start reading more about various options you have broadly shortlisted. As such, if you love travelling, why not look at marketing or if you hate the shift work in your current part-time job, then perhaps you can rule out careers that involve shift work. Revealing yourself is a critical first step in the career building process. The more effort you put in at the start of this process, the happier you will be with the outcome.

So how to find answers about your interests or likes or dislikes? What you are good at and not-so-good at? Where your personality and values are taking you? I am sure when you are reading this, you surely do not have life experience, as such speaking to few experienced in order to get your answers more clear may not be a bad idea. Or may be real-world experience. All those summer or part-time jobs can provide you with valuable insights into yourself. These few weeks spent on summer job may save few considerable years of your career, if you actually don’t like the option.

An option of teaching may on top of the list of as a potential career, but after the summer you just spent working at a institute or after taking few tutions, you might have second thoughts. Considering a career option is one thing, but actually pursuing it for life is quite another. As such the much required insight might comes only from hands-on experience. Reflecting later on what parts you enjoyed or not about these experiences, may turn out to be powerful indicators of your future career.

There may not be a definitive examination, but there are a number of useful career assessments available. The career counsellor, if available in your institute, may also be able to suggest with his additional resources and understanding. Undoubtedly, connecting with people who are working in professions that interest you will be very beneficial, as this will provide practical insight about this type of work. Moreover, taking initiative to work part-time or volunteering for various extra-curricular assignments in a field of interest will provide you with a valuable career exploration opportunity.

As you grow and move forward in life, your needs and interests may change over time, so take the time to understand on your interests and values on an ongoing basis. Meeting yourself on regular basis will ensure you are taking a proactive approach to your career planning. All the best!!!